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New posts in viewport-units

the 100% height not working when the parent height is set using vh in android

Div's width set in vw, but doesn't work properly

html css width viewport-units

Using "vw" to get 100% width headings

CSS3 animation/keyframes, transforming with vw in IE11 issues

Safari + CSS: using "calc" with "vh" does not work

css safari viewport-units

Are viewport units vw/vh/vmin/vmax not zoom friendly?

Flex-box 100vh stretches behind mobile safari chrome - are there any known tricks or solutions

Safari CSS rule vh-units?

html css safari viewport-units

Meta viewport and width=device-width vs. percent dimentions

Viewport units, keeping aspect ratio?

css viewport viewport-units

Relative padding and vh units - bug or spec misunderstanding?

css viewport-units

Is it OK to use vw (viewport width) for font-size in HTML email for mobile devices

Viewport-units vw/vh not working as expected when non-100% zoom in Safari on OS X

html safari viewport-units

using modernizr to detect vh, vw with calc

css calc viewport-units

Layout using vh does not scale with zoom

Safari: VH units applied to parent element doesn't allow 100% height in child?

Plotly graph component cannot accept viewport units to set text annotation font size

VW and VH units are not accurate

html css viewport-units