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New posts in video-processing

Put Image above Video and save video in android [closed]

Is there any safer way to include FFMpeg in commercial applications? [closed]

ffmpeg : how to determine frame rate automatically?

h264 packetization mode for FUA

convert animated gif to video on linux server while preserving frame rate

How to merge four videos on one screen with ffmpeg [duplicate]

ffmpeg video-processing

Cropping a video file with defined width, length, and pixel location

FFmpeg: How do I split a 100GB MP4 file into several 1GB files?

Android change audio of any video file

What is the best way to transcode a video in objective-c (iOS)?

Local enhancing of license plate in video sequence

opencv video-processing

setVideoSize() crashes with high resolutions

Prevent ffmpeg from changing the intensity of colors while downscaling the resolution of the video

Taking photo every 66 milliseconds on Android phone for colour analysis (Heart Rate Monitor)