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New posts in video-capture

How to get a embeded code for video

Getting current frame with OpenCV VideoCapture in Python

python opencv video-capture

setVideoSize() crashes with high resolutions

AVCaptureVideoDataOutput and setting kCVPixelBufferWidthKey & kCVPixelBufferHeightKey

Video Recording with webcam on a webpage [closed]

Using RTMP or RTSP protocol in C# [closed]

Getting a snapshot from a webcam with Delphi

Recording multiplexed Audio/Video to a file using JMF

In Android MediaStore.EXTRA_DURATION_LIMIT not working in 6.0 and uper version device

Know how many people are on a video [closed]

FFMPEG: how to save input camera stream into the file with the SAME codec format?

ffmpeg video-capture

OpenCV error: (-215) scn == 3 || scn == 4 in function ipp_cvtColor

python opencv video-capture

Python PIL save file with datetime as name

iOS -- How to change video resolution in webRTC?

Record IOS Simulator video and simulator audio in background

Android - is there a way to define the video resolution when taking video from application?

Crop a video in python

Capturing from the screen and saving to disk multithreaded

How to create a BitmapImage from a pixel byte array (live video display)

Alternatives for generating a video feed from screenshots