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New posts in vert.x

CORS issue in vertx Application not working

javascript java cors vert.x

Vertx scaling the number of instances per thread

Annotation-based Swagger documentation for Vert.x

How to run embedded vert.x?

java main vert.x

How to create Single.just(Void)

How I could use an independent log4j instance in my vert.x application?

java maven log4j vert.x

java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: io/vertx/core/Starter Error

java vert.x

Configure logger in vertx 3

java logging vert.x

vert.x: How do you correctly send a post request?

Why Reactive programming application( vert.x) is faster than single thread lock free , no-blocking java application?

vertx IllegalArgumentException: No message codec for type - how to create a consumer for a custom type

exception vert.x event-bus

Vertx clustering alternative

What is the maximal size for SockJS messages?

Vertx, how multithreading works

java multithreading vert.x

What's the Promise equivalent of CompositeFuture in Vert.x 3.8.1+?

promise future vert.x

Limit the number of event loops

vert.x vertx3

vertx - reading from property/config file


Vertx web-server uses only one event-loop thread while 16 are available

vert.x event-loop