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Liferay Velocity Templates & Structures. Get Children of Children?

templates liferay velocity

Memory consumption for java web app (300MB too high?)

How to check if value exists in an array using Velocity Template Language

Velocity: Is it better to use a Velocity Macro or #include(...) statement for a DIV block repeated many times on different pages?

java macros include velocity

How to loop all variables in VelocityContext?

java velocity

Velocity Throwing NPE when getting template

Velocity template escape XML from Velocity Context

java xml velocity

Need a Java-based HTML prettifier to clean up Velocity-generated HTML

java html jsp velocity

How to validate that HTML matches W3C standards

Velocity Dynamic Property Access

java velocity

How to access Session or Request object in Velocity Template

java spring-mvc velocity

Customizing Liferay 6 Dockbar in Velocity / JS / CSS

Which Java templating system should I use to generate emails?

velocity framework on google app engine

Velocity template substring issue

java velocity

ResourceManager : unable to find resource 'emailTemplate.vm' in any resource loader

java spring velocity

Use Velocity to generate HTML based email

java css velocity

Using Velocity Tools with Spring 3.0.3

How can I trim whitespace by Velocity

Velocity templates seem to fail with UTF-8

java utf-8 velocity