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New posts in velocity

Velocity: Is it possible to nest macros that use #@ and $bodyContent?

scope velocity

can velocity ignore newlines and whitespaces?

libGDX ParticleEffect runtime velocity change

java libgdx velocity particles

IntelliJ - Update Copyright Year

Using Velocity with Tiles and Spring

Apache Velocity Quiet Reference Notation as default behaviour

Velocity array to javascript array

javascript velocity

Unable to instantiate VelocityEngine, when deploying war file

Velocity not finding method

java velocity

Is there a way to encode a URL in velocity template

apache velocity

swipe left, right, up and down depending on velocity or other variables

Stringtemplate low performance in comparison to Velocity and Mvel

How to throw an user-defined exception from Velocity Template Script (VTL)?

How to calculate distance from a phone thrown in height

flutter velocity

How to turn off VelocityViewResolver errors in Spring?

java spring velocity

How to formatting a text with SimpleMailMessage?

java spring email velocity

Defining database queries inside Velocity templates

java velocity

Velocity does not resolve variable in foreach loop

java foreach velocity

Velocity and $foreach.count

Is there a way to break from a foreach loop in velocity?
