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Why is COM interface name replaced by coclass name in VB6?

c++ com vb6

"Invalid procedure call or argument" error on "New ADODB.Connection" only if compiled on Windows 7

vb6 adodb

Beep function in VB6. What "beeps"?

vb6 hardware

Accessing Database in different Active Directory server

Embed a file into EXE file in VB6

vb6 embed exe

Why would VB6 compiled application require VB5 VM?

dll vb6 vb5

Make control array in code


How to insert Image object as picture in Word document

vb.net image vb6 ms-word

Can Java apps integrate with VB apps?

java vb6 interop

VB6 with a .NET Library

.net vb6 compatibility

Prevent opening multiple instances of VB application

vb6 multiple-instances

Post Method + WinHttpRequest + multipart/form-data

How to add a form that is existing to a vb6 project?


MySQL Sample for Visual Basic 6.0 - read/write

mysql vb6

SetWindowLong Hanging

.net winapi vb6 interop pinvoke

Windbg crash dump analysis

What's the difference between CommandBarEvents.Click and CommandBarButton.Click in VBE?

vba events vb6 vbe vbide

Why is the result of VarPtr(ByVal str) the same as StrPtr(str) ? (VB6)



windows api vb6

Is there a good VB6 documentation system similar to Javadoc?

vb6 documentation-system