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New posts in variables

Java properties containing dollar delimited variables

Mysql Storing a variable with the result of an SELECT CASE

How to initialize a local variable in its declaration in Eiffel?

variables eiffel

bash script variable passing to find

bash variables find

Is it bad practice to use variable variables in PHP?

Makefile variable substitution apparently not done even though := is used in declaration

Substitute for MySQL's variables in PostgreSQL?

Why does this integer division yield 0?

c math variables

Using smarty variable within {php} tags

php variables smarty

Java: necessity of private variables and return methods [closed]

java variables methods private

in javascript, declare more than one variable in for loop

C# what is faster, declare loop variable at the beginning of the function, or inside each for loop? [duplicate]

c# variables loops declare

Pointer to function vs global variable

MYSQL - Get Next and Previous Record by ID - HTML for hyperlinks

backbone.js how to use variables as selectors in events

Using variable to specify 'size' when declaring a VARBINARY

About scope and OOP in PHP

php oop variables scope

How to get slider min, max value from variable.

jquery variables slider minmax

permanent storage of PHP variables?

php variables storage

Making the VB compiler warn when I don't declare variables properly

variables vb6 type-safety