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New posts in variable-declaration

Problems in declaring a variable as Byte in VB.NET

Declaring variables inside or outside loops in Perl, best practices

perl variable-declaration

javascript var statement and performance

Ambiguous behavior of variable declaration in c

Why can't in class initialized members be declared auto ? [duplicate]

JavaScript scope conflicts

Using the letter L in long variable declaration

Declaring Variables in @implementation

C99 mixed declarations and code in open source projects?

Why is the declaration of type important in a statically typed language?

Equivalent of public static final variables

What is the difference between using var and this, in Javascript?

Is there a way to define variables of two different types in a for loop initializer?

Take let variable out of temporal dead zone

What's the difference between `extern int (x)[]` and `extern int x[]` in C?

Comma in variable initialization/declaration

Advantage of telling the Swift Compiler an object's type, instead of inferring?

Is setting a boolean to false redundant?

In C#, is there way to define an enum and an instance of that enum at the same time?

dynamically declare/create lists in python [closed]