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New posts in variable-assignment

Java calling method and using ternary operator and assign in the parameters?

map with function for each element?

What's the difference between a[] and a[:] when assigning values?

Understanding statements in C

copying C-style arrays and structure

Understanding the return value of spawn

creating a class that behaves like any variable but has callback on change/read

Scrapy: Store/scrape current start_url?

Swift can't assign Range to variable?

What is the difference between "int *p =0;" and "int *p; *p=0;"

Warning: Assignment in condition

How to assign a sum of values within fields to a variable?

How to assign to a global variable in Sass?

Variable assignment

Why doesn't "a && (b = 5/a)" assign "5/a" to "b"?

The usage of let in Haskell

Types for which "is" keyword may be equivalent to equality operator in Python

What is the difference - const int x = 5000; and const int x = 50'00; in C++?

Erlang list comprehension

Conditional assignemnt in Java

java variable-assignment