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New posts in variable-assignment

Can you use equals assignment when removing delegate members in a disposing method?

java weird assignment rules

Error assigning associative array key with embedded period

Variable assignment in function call

php variable-assignment

How to assign one value to multiple keys in a C# dictionary?

How to initialize a local variable in Java only once

how does the assignment symbol work - Ruby

Assignment of a struct value to this keyword

simple hash merge by array of keys and values in ruby (with perl example)

Is there a defined evaluation order for &= and |=?

c variable-assignment

Understanding precedence when assigning and testing for definedness in Perl

Why can I not use the Unicode characters √ and ∀ in assignments?

Why does single `=` work in `if` statement?

ruby variable-assignment

Why does shell builtin colon command ":" after variable assignment on same line cause empty string value to be assigned?

Assigning a value to an element of a slice in Python

Nim game question

java variable-assignment

Why can I assign an undefined variable to itself in Ruby and get nil? [duplicate]

Constant declaration with block

How to assign a value to specific locations of a matrix in MATLAB?

How to modify place with arbitrary function