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New posts in var

Delphi - Calling procedure with optional VAR parameters?

delphi var procedures

Javascript/jQuery variable, what is the proper way to use a var?

Is using var actually slow? If so, why?

c# var

When should I use "var" instead of "object"? [closed]

c# syntax var

Why javascript "for loop" has different behaviours for different type of objects

var or ref/atom/agent for constant values?

clojure var agent ref

Swift: model structs, using optionals vs initialization of empty values

ios swift var null

How can I assign a var to be one of two difference types based on a conditional?

c# ternary-operator var

how to get values from var-source with linq

c# linq var

Odd behaviour change with var, dynamic and linq combination

c# linq dynamic var

VAR model with pandas + statsmodels in Python

python pandas var statsmodels

d3 how to make single stacked column chart

javascript d3.js var

Swift : Updated Variable in a different scene

swift sprite-kit var scene

let vs var in javascript [duplicate]

javascript closures var let

Resharper Policy - how to recommend var conditionally?

c# resharper var policy

Javascript issue managing variables

javascript html var

Anonymous types (classes features)

c# .net variables var

When to var scope your variables in ColdFusion components?

Swift - Lazy Var vs. Let when creating views programmatically (saving memory)

swift var let

var won't work with DataGridViewRow

c# .net var datagridviewrow