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New posts in vagrant

Getting a LAMP stack running on a Vagrant VM (under Windows 7 host), full instructions?

Vagrant Install chef-client on top of base image

chef-infra vagrant

Vagrant's Ubuntu 16.04 vagrantfile default password

Using Vagrant to set up a VM with KVM/qemu without VirtualBox

enabling gui in Vagrantfile settings


Which command to get vagrantfile changes on an instance


Can Multiple Vagrant VMs communicate by VM hostname?

networking vagrant

What's the cleanest way to remove Homestead and Vagrant from a Windows system?

Setting up a VM hostname: undefined method `hostname'


vagrant up: Got different reports about installed GuestAdditions version

vagrant virtualbox

Chef: Why are resources in an "include_recipe" step being skipped?

Passing variable to a shell script provisioner in vagrant

How to Install Manually Downloaded .box for Vagrant

Can't use compass after installing it

Empty reply from server - can't connect to vagrant vm w/port forwarding


Synced folder in vagrant is not syncing in realtime


Choosing a vagrant provisioner

how to detect from a Vagrantfile if a plugin has been installed?


Can I switch user in Vagrant bootstrap shell script?

shell vagrant

A better alternative to Vagrant
