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A better alternative to Vagrant



We use Vagrant for dev environment automation and provisioning. It works smoothly. But sometimes, if vagrant has some problem(we faced LOT of them starting from SSH to networking config), the new developers who join us and are supposed to just boot up the box and start working, have a really hard time coping up with that. So I was just wondering, ain't there some easier way(like having a GUI like VirtualBox to start and end an env) of managing these virtual environments?
maybe my question should be, What are the best practices on this area, other than Vagrant?

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bibhas.i Avatar asked Sep 02 '11 08:09


People also ask

Is Vagrant like Docker?

Essentially, Docker is a technology for creating and running Linux containers, and Vagrant is a machine provisioning tool used to create VMs and then populate them with applications. In other words, you use Vagrant to create a VM and install Docker.

Is Vagrant a DevOps tool?

As a day-to-day DevOps tool, Vagrant can be used for many things, including the following: Testing software code in different environments and operating systems. Testing different workflows using configuration-management tools, such as Chef and Puppet.

What do I use Vagrant for?

Vagrant is a tool for building and managing virtual machine environments in a single workflow. With an easy-to-use workflow and focus on automation, Vagrant lowers development environment setup time, increases production parity, and makes the “works on my machine” excuse a relic of the past.

What is Packer and Vagrant?

Packer creates a single, coded configuration of a machine build that runs on various platforms, such as a server on AWS or on Microsoft Azure. Vagrant manages virtualized environments, mainly with testing rather than production systems.

2 Answers

Vagrant uses virtualbox as the virtualization layer, so you can start a vagrant vm using the gui. Add the following to your VagrantFile.

config.vm.boot_mode = :gui 

Also take a look at sahara as it lets you treat it more like a sandbox with quick rollbacks, etc.

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Stick Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 06:09


I'll echo the other comment here. If you already have a setup that works smoothly make sure you have everyone using the same versions of VirtualBox, Vagrant and the basebox.

As for a UI and more distribution options you might find Wanton of interest: https://github.com/maestrodev/wanton

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Garethr Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 06:09
