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Force Postgres to install with UTF8 encoding, not LATIN1?

postgresql encoding vagrant

Installed pytest but running `pytest` in bash returns `not found`

Vagrant up failing for VirtualBox provider with E_ACCESSDENIED on host-only network

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Set up DHCP server IP for Vagrant

SSH into vagrant with X server set up

windows ssh vagrant putty xming

Share a single file in vagrant

vagrant vagrantfile

Vagrant up causes guest additions to reinstall each time, why?

Vagrant: Get name of host OS

vagrant share with laravel homestead

laravel vagrant

What is the URL to be used in the vagrant box add command?


What is the difference between vagrant remove, halt and destroy


Can't ping to virtualbox instance [closed]

vagrant : Failed to mount folders in Linux guest, "vboxsf" file system is not available?

Vagrant up and reload - default: Warning: Connection timeout. Retrying...

linux vagrant virtualbox

RubyMine, Vagrant, RVM

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access jupyter notebook running on vm

Jenkins build step fails when calling "npm" on mac-os-x Yosemite

How to automatically install Ansible Galaxy roles, using Vagrant?

New Laravel (Homestead) installation: 502 Bad Gateway - *Refresh* - the website is displayed correctly

Cannot Login Into Vagrant boxes managed via Test Kitchen