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Given a UTI (Uniform Type Identifier), find all types to which it conforms

How can I make my app appear in UIActivityViewController for text?

Determine if image picker media type is video

Exclusive iOS UTI

iOS Document/File type associations - wildcard UTI?

ios uti

How to register a custom non-document UTI / file type for OSX to recognize it?

macos osx-mountain-lion uti

A smart way to retrieve allowed file types from plist

Why is my iCloud Drive AppFolder visible on MacOS, but disabled in iCloud Drive App on iOS?

Where do UTI come from?

macos uti

Get GMT Time in Milliseconds using JAVA [duplicate]

java uti

List/Search all existing UTIs (Uniform Type Identifiers)

objective-c macos cocoa uti

UIDocument Creation on iOS 11: reader is not permitted to access the URL

Export UIDocument with custom file package UTI

Specifying app name for iCloud "Manage Storage" list

ios sync icloud info.plist uti

How do i associate excel file type (xlsx) with iPhone application

xcode4 ios5 uti

What are "Imported UTIs" in Xcode 4?

xcode uti

How to find file UTI for file, withouth pathExtension, in a path in Swift

ios swift swift2 uti

Content type/UTI to open CSV in app

cocoa-touch csv plist uti

What are UTImportedTypeDeclarations and UTExportedTypeDeclarations used for on iOS?

ios uti