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New posts in uidocument

Rename an iCloud document

UIDocument Recover Unsaved Changes On App Crash/Force Quit

iOS 6 sharing like Messages, not like Photos (UIActivityViewController and UIDocumentInteractionController)

Renaming a UIDocument in iCloud

ios icloud ios11 uidocument

Having Trouble Getting the UIDocumentBrowserController to open docs in a Document based app

Where to store a preview of a UIDocument?

UIDocumentInteractionController share via Instagram (and ONLY Instagram)

iOS 7: What happened to UIDocument / UIManagedDocument and iCloud?

iOS open app when file is tapped in `Files` app

ios icloud uidocument uti

What is the proper way to move a UIDocument to a new location on the file-system

Rename document without closing UIDocument

ios uikit uidocument

iOS Swift 3 Copy File to iCloud Drive Programatically

ios swift3 icloud uidocument

UIDocument, NSFileWrapper and Images

Sharing a plist file using iCloud

How can I sort an icloud NSMetadataQuery result of UIDocument's by modification date?

Returning method object from inside block

UIDocument not saving to file despite indicating success

ios swift save icloud uidocument