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New posts in utf-8

Dynamically generating Ge'ez unicodes

unicode utf-8

utf-8 and htmlentities in RSS feeds

php utf-8 rss

reading utf-8 content from mysql table

php mysql utf-8

Java PreparedStatement UTF-8 character problem

UTF-8 characters in URLs

html url utf-8

Detecting bad UTF-8 encoding: list of bad characters to sniff?

encoding utf-8 iso-8859-1

Rails 3 Encoding::CompatibilityError

ruby-on-rails utf-8 thin

PowerShell - Batch change files encoding To UTF-8

Is mysql_real_escape_string vulnerable to invalid UTF-8 exploitation eg overlong UTF-8 or ill formed UTF-8 sequences?

Any way to make Android's default browser recognize non-ASCII filenames in "Content-Disposition: attachment" downloads?

Why isn't locale.strxfrm("Gè") a prefix of locale.strxfrm("Gène")) with locale "fr_FR.UTF-8"?

How do I add charset to Knex.js connection string?

Right-to-Left Email

Java REGEX code to validate Indian language characters not working?

java regex unicode utf-8

Sublime Text console not showing lines with accents

Utf-8 in c++: quick & dirty tricks

c++ utf-8

RegEx: Remove non-letters UTF-8 Safe, Quickly

php regex utf-8

Official encoding used by Twitter Streaming API? Is it UTF-8?

Working with GD ( imagettftext() ) and UTF-8 characters

A PHP Library / Class to Count Words in Various Languages?

php nlp utf-8 word-count