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New posts in utf-8

using the php 5.4's new constant ENT_DISALLOWED in htmlentities

JavaScript encoding with Special characters

javascript encoding utf-8

json_decode return NULL , UTF-8 BOM

php json utf-8 byte-order-mark

How to remove "�" from php string? [duplicate]

Explode UTF8 string regarding to uppercase or numeric characters

Text string with EMOJI causing issues with NSRange

ios utf-8 nsstring emoji nsrange

gson serialization of unicode string not working

java android unicode utf-8 gson

Safely remove all html code from a string in python

Characters not displaying correctly on a UTF-8 website

Java byte[] to/from String conversion

java string utf-8 byte bytearray

How to convert utf-8 string to urlencoded win1251 in javascript

javascript utf-8

Retroactively convert a UCS-2 file to UTF-8 in Git

git utf-8 ucs2

Default Encoding and changes

java unicode encoding utf-8

How do I commit with a utf-8 message file?

Why does this postgres stored procedure want to `use utf8`?

Reading arabic text encoded in utf-8 in python

python encoding utf-8

How to keep BOM from removal from Perforce unicode files

unicode utf-8 perforce

How do I convert a string in UTF-16 to UTF-8 in C++

c++ string dll utf-8 utf-16

Python 3 email body encoding

python email python-3.x utf-8

Changing the “locale preferred encoding” in Python 3 in Windows