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New posts in utf-8

Change encoding of Powershell created file to UTF8 instead of UCS-2 LE

powershell encoding utf-8

remove 4 byte UTF8 characters

c# regex utf-8

how do I print unicode character in C encoded with UTF8?

c unicode utf-8 ncurses

Invalid characters (non UTF-8) from node url Request but valid from browser?

Find nearest safe split in byte array containing UTF-8 data

c# string encoding utf-8

How do I convert unicode string with cp1252 characters into UTF-8 with Python?

How to use Perl's XML::XPath with non-English element names?

xml perl xpath utf-8

Can mysql charset for table and column be different?

Pandas convert dataframe to Utf-8

python pandas utf-8

length of string in python3.5 with different encode

How to concat two utf8 string in erlang?

unicode utf-8 erlang

C# WebClient doesn't return UTF-8

c# utf-8 webclient

unoconv with --stdin not working

encoding utf-8 stdin unoconv

Incorrect decoding in Python3 email module

How does vbscript filesystemobject encode characters?

unicode utf-8 vbscript fso

Write-Output with no BOM

Why does my UTF8 data from my mod_perl application still get garbled in the web browser?

javascript perl encoding utf-8

PHP and character encoding problem with  character

Cannot insert character '≤' in SQL Server 2008

How to use UTF-8 characters in a PHP-script?

php encoding utf-8