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New posts in utf-16

Python3 reading mixed text/binary data line-by-line

python python-3.x text io utf-16

Send an SMS message (UTF-16) with an unknown character replaced by a "replacement character" in Android

android unicode sms gsm utf-16

Unable to set UTF-16 as locale

linux utf-16

UTF-16 codepoint counting in python

Remove accents in string except "ñ"

c# regex normalization utf-16

Substring or characterAt method for UTF8 Strings with 2+ bytes in JAVA

java encoding utf-8 utf-16

UTF-8 to UTF-16LE Javascript

What should I know to make my I18N application work in Japanese?

C: Most efficient way to determine how many bytes will be needed for a UTF-16 string from a UTF-8 string

UCS-2 and SQL Server

How do I encode a JavaScript string in utf-16?

Any way to convert a regular string in ActionScript 3 to a ByteArray of Latin-1 Character Codes?

Total number of UTF16 Characters

How to convert Unicode string into a utf-8 or utf-16 string?

Convert wchar_t* to UTF-16 string

c++ c unicode utf-16 wchar-t

What could go wrong in switching HTML encoding from UTF-8 to UTF-16?

html encoding utf-8 utf-16

Difference between composite characters and surrogate pairs

Java, JavaCC: How to parse characters outside the BMP?

java unicode utf-16 javacc

Read Unicode files C++

How do you get Matlab to write the BOM (byte order markers) for UTF-16 text files?