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New posts in utc

Python: Given the current time in UTC, how do you determine the start and end time of the day in a particular timezone?

python datetime timezone utc

how to render a user the local-time using a UTC Time (asp.net & ajax)

Rolling file on utc date rather than server date

How can I prevent ASP.NET MVC from converting date from UTC to local?

utc seconds since midnight to datetime

c++ qt datetime utc

Better way to safely insert UTC time value into mySQL TIMESTAMP variable?

mysql sql datetime timestamp utc

Convert historic dates from utc to local time

sql datetime utc gmt

Store UTC date time in database

php mysql datetime utc

Convert non-UTC time string with timezone abbreviation into UTC time in python, while accounting for daylight savings

PostgreSQL, pgAdmin, Java: How to make them all UTC?

PHP convert mktime result to UTC

php datetime utc mktime

Module pytz: UTC decrease instead of increase

python utc pytz

Converting string containing localtime into UTC in C

c datetime parsing date utc

DateTime.ToLocalTime on Windows XP

What is the best way to insert python datetime in rethinkdb?

python datetime utc rethinkdb

Save and load Utc DateTime with NHibernate

c# datetime nhibernate utc

Does Python's time.time() return a timestamp in UTC? [duplicate]

python time utc

Remove time from GMT time format

javascript date utc gmt