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New posts in mktime

mktime returns wrong timestamp (off by a whole month)

c date time utc mktime

PHP mktime and timezone

php timezone mktime

argument must be 9-item sequence, not datetime.datetime

Better way of creating a PHP future date

php date mktime

how to convert date and time to timestamp in php?

Displaying the list of months using mktime for the year 2012

php date mktime

Convert between date/time and time-stamp without using std library routines

PHP convert mktime result to UTC

php datetime utc mktime

Why does mktime give me an hour less?

c mktime

Confusing behaviour of mktime on Linux?

c linux mktime datetime

How to calculate time differences in C++ with time_t before the epoch?

c++ mktime time-t difftime

Get previous month date range

Fast way to transform datetime strings with timezones into UNIX timestamps in C++

c++ date datetime mktime c++20

Why is mktime() changing the year day of my tm struct?

c++ mktime

PHP strtotime() function that accepts a format?

php datetime strtotime mktime

How can I use PHP to list all the dates in a year?

php date mktime

In PHP given a month string such as "November" how can I return 11 without using a 12 part switch statement?

php date mktime

Linux-x64 glibc: Why does Feb 1 come before Jan 31?

c++ c linux glibc mktime

What happened on March 16th 1984?

python timezone pypy mktime

Why does tm_mday start from 1 while all other elements of struct tm start from 0?

c time struct mktime