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New posts in use-strict

Assignment to read-only properties is not allowed in strict mode IE11

Javascript: besides "use strict", which other "use" directives are there?

"use strict"; + jQuery.getScript() = script can't export to global namespace

Is 'use strict' a must to use? [duplicate]

Weird behaviour with 'use strict' and read only properties

Does "use strict" in the constructor extend to prototype methods?

Use the || operator notice

JS: What is 'this' coercion? What does use-strict have to do with that?

javascript use-strict

Is "Bad Line Breaking" obsolete with "use strict"?

John Resig's simple class instantiation and "use strict"

Why does JSLint give strict violation error on this function?

How is strict mode ("use strict";) inherited by functions?

"use strict" only in debug?

Why doesn't "use strict" (JavaScript) detect an undeclared variable?

Why is this illegal in strict mode?

use strict in javascript not working for fat arrow?

How to set 'use strict' globally with JSLint

"use strict" causes undefined error

Is it safe to use 'use strict' in IE 8/9

Javascript/jsLint: What to replace jQuery(this) with when using "use strict";