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JS: What is 'this' coercion? What does use-strict have to do with that?

I read the following on a website:

Use-strict has an advantage. It eliminates this coercion. Without strict mode, a reference to a this value of null or undefined is automatically coerced to the global. This can cause many headfakes and pull-out-your-hair kind of bugs. In strict mode, referencing a a this value of null or undefined throws an error.

What exactly does this mean? What does use-strict have to do with this coercion?

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Sunny Bharadwaj Avatar asked Feb 28 '16 04:02

Sunny Bharadwaj

People also ask

What does use strict do in JS?

The purpose of "use strict" is to indicate that the code should be executed in "strict mode". With strict mode, you can not, for example, use undeclared variables. The numbers in the table specify the first browser version that fully supports the directive. You can use strict mode in all your programs.

What does use strict do in JavaScript and what is the reasoning behind it?

'use strict'; When a JavaScript engine sees this directive, it will start to interpret the code in a special mode. In this mode, errors are thrown up when certain coding practices that could end up being potential bugs are detected (which is the reasoning behind the strict mode).

Is use strict necessary in JavaScript?

Is use strict necessary? The strict mode is no longer required since the release of ES2015, which fixes most of JavaScript's confusing behavior with a more robust syntax. It's just good to know because you might find it in legacy projects that still used it.

What is the benefit of strict mode?

By changing errors to throw errors, strict mode removes certain JavaScript silent errors. Strict mode repairs mistakes that make it difficult for JavaScript engines to perform optimizations. (It can sometimes execute faster than identical code that's not strict mode.)

1 Answers

When you call a function in javascript, 'this' will refer to different things depending on the context:

  1. If the function has been bound, the 'this' will be set to whatever it was bound to, e.g. fn.bind(x)()

  2. If you invoked the function using fn.call(x) or fn.apply(x), the this will be set to x.

  3. If the function was defined using arrow notation, then the this will be whatever was defined to be this when the function was defined.

  4. If you call the function with thing.fn(), the this is what is before the '.', in this case 'thing'.

  5. If you're in a constructor, called with new then this refers to the new object under construction.

  6. If you are just calling a bare function, that isn't on any object, that isn't bound, that isn't an arrow function and you're calling it in the straightforward way, without using call or apply, then the this will refer to the global object if you are not in strict mode, and undefined if you are in strict mode. This is what is referred to as 'this coercion' by the quote.

That's why, if you open a browser console and type


the console will output the Window which is the global object in the browser. However if you open the console and type

Function('"use strict";console.log(this)')()

the console will log undefined.

I'm using the Function constructor here, because it's a way to force the use of non-strict mode regardless of the situation it appears in - so these examples should still work, even if you run them from inside a file or console operating in strict mode.

this coercion can be the the most convenient way of getting the global object, i.e.

const global = Function('return this')()

works in both the browser and node, even in strict mode.

But most of the time, you want to fail fast, and having functions that you expected to operate on specific kinds of instances actually operate on your global object can mess things up badly. Having attempts to write something to or read something from this throw exceptions when it isn't defined is almost always better than reading and writing to the global object.

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kybernetikos Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 15:09
