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Clear div before appending

Im currently unable to clear the container div before appending new elements. (The whole div is wiped clean when empty(), i dont want this. I simple want to remove the existing book holder elements. Is there something I'm doing it wrong? and/or could this because of the "text/template" script?)

HTML snippet

<div class="component">
    <ul id="Maincontainer" class="align">
        <script type="text/template" id="template">
             <li id="bookHolder" class="bookHolder">
                <figure class="book">
                <!-- Front -->
                    <ul class="hardcover_front">
                            <img src="{{imgURL}}" alt="" width="100%" height="100%">


JQUERY snippet

$.get( "URL", function(data) {
        var entry = $(data).find("entry");
        entry.each(function() {
            var template = $("#template").html();
            //$("#Maincontainer").remove(); - >clear whole div, appended elements not show
            //$("#Maincontainer").remove("#bookHolder"); -> Div not cleared
bookName).replace("{{summary}}", summary).replace("{{price}}", price).replace("{{seller}}", artist).replace("{{imgURL}}", image)
.replace("{{href}}", href).replace("{{category}}", category));
like image 319
et moi Avatar asked Feb 02 '16 07:02

et moi

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jQuery uses: . append(); and . remove(); functions to accomplish this task. We could use these methods to append string or any other html or XML element and also remove string and other html or XML elements from the document.

2 Answers

You can remove elements from DOM using the remove method of jQuery:

like image 147
erikscandola Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 12:11


If you want to remove the entire dive then you can use


Or if you just want to append some data to $(".bookHolder") then you should clear the dive before like you need to remove the div content, and for that you can use


which will clear the the entire div content.

like image 41
Punit Gajjar Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 14:11

Punit Gajjar