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New posts in unity3d

Using the Android gyroscope in Unity3d, how can I set the initial camera rotation to the initial mobile device rotation?

c# android unity3d gyroscope

Unity3d SimpleJSON add int to JSONClass

c# unity3d simplejson

Unity Slow performance on iPhone 6 Plus

Objective C iOS plug-ins for Unity

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Unable to change array size in Inspector variable in Unity?

c# arrays unity3d

Properties in c# in Unity (Unity5) - can you avoid the backing variable

c# unity3d

Unity/C# : How to execute a function after another function has finished its execution?

Unity Android front facing Camera WTF bug

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Getting collision contact force

c# unity3d game-physics

Reduce number of nodes in 3D A* pathfinding using (part of a) uniform grid representation

Minimalist Python Server for Unity3d 5.x

c# python unity3d

Unity Json.net System.Reflection.Emit error in iOS


Unity iOS Build size is way big

ios xcode unity3d 2d

IBM Watson Unity 3D SDK Conservation Service (Almost working!)

Using the MVVM pattern with Unity Engine as front end [closed]

Is it more efficient to change scenes in Unity or to have different ui screens?

unity3d optimization

How to detect if there is an error in unity c# when running without see the console? [duplicate]

c# unity3d

Unity Increasing a value and then decrease it (DayNightCycle)

c# unity3d

.net reload assembly at runtime

c# .net unity3d .net-assembly

Find a nearest/closest point on a GameObject from location?

c# unity3d unity-webgl