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New posts in uniqueidentifier

How to to create unique random integer ID for primary key for table?

Host-based Card Emulation with Fixed Card ID

How to generate unique identifier which should work in all iOS versions?

Mobile device uniqueness for iOS and Android

Unique computer ID hardware based in Java

java uniqueidentifier

REST API best practice - where to place a unique request identifier

rest api uniqueidentifier

Generate a unique value for a combination of two numbers

c# uniqueidentifier

LoRaWAN DevEUI, AppEUI and AppKey

Thread.getId() global uniqueness question

Generating a globally unique identifier in Java

Perfect unique_id for device except IMEI,Android_ID,WLAN Mac and Bluetooth address

Is it possible to get a truly unique id for a particular JVM instance?

java jvm uniqueidentifier

sources of "uniqueness"/entropy on embedded systems

Different casting of int to guid in C# and SQL Server

Is there an equivalent to iOS' identifierForVendor for android?

android uniqueidentifier

Is it normal to have two elements with same id in two div elements with other id?

Alternative to iPhone device ID (UDID) [duplicate]

Convert from UniqueIdentifier to BigInt and Back?

What is the unique identification for emails?

iOS: TestFlight beta app get new advertising identifier in each run