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New posts in underscore.js

Javascript Multi-line string and Unexpected Token ILLEGAL

Underscore.js _.isObject = function (obj) { return obj === Object(obj); };

javascript underscore.js

Flatten hierarchical data

javascript underscore.js

implementation of angular.isBoolean?

Compare 2 arrays of objects with Underscore to find the differnce

javascript underscore.js

Grouping objects by multiple columns with Lodash or Underscore

Jest not able to load underscore

underscore.js jestjs

Backbone.js - What is the best way to check a checkbox

backbone.js underscore.js

How can I use Underscore.js templates in conjunction with EJS?

underscore _.range() not work at AngularJS ng-repeat

angularjs underscore.js

What is the object equivalent of _.pluck

How to remove unmatched objects from array of objects using javascript or lodash

How does the _.invoke method work in Lodash?

Filter array based on an array of index

What is the difference between these Backbone/Underscore .bind() methods?

How do I properly store a javascript template, so that it isn't instantiated multiple times

Debounce a function with argument

es6 equivalent of underscore findWhere

IndexOf element in js array using a truth function using underscore or jquery

inject jquery and underscore to angular js component