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New posts in uisplitviewcontroller

Why is viewWillTransitionToSize... not called when displayModeButtonItem triggers splitViewController collapse?

Swift - UIButton is not pinning to the bottom of the screen

Adding a UINavigationController to my segue.destinationViewController in Objective-C

How can I support a split view in landscape on the iPhone 6 or 5s?

How can SFSafariViewController be setup as the Detail Controller for UISplitViewController?

How can we push UISplitVIewController to a UINavigationController

How to display missing back button in Master-Detail1-Detail2 view in SwiftUI in landscape?

UISplitviewController white line between navigation bars

SplitView not layer-backed, but trying to use overlay sidebars

How to select default item in detail view for iPad? (in Split View Controller)

Using Multiple Detail Views with Split View Controller

UISplitViewController display master view above detail in portrait orientation

UiSplitViewController doesn't autorotate

iOS: How to dynamically change DetailView in SplitView template?

iOS7 UISplitViewController status bar

UISplitViewController: titleView in DetailViewController disappears on landscape orientation, intended behaviour?

UISplitViewController detail-only inputAccessoryView

How to update a UITableView in detailview when changes the tabbar in the pop over controller?

UISplitViewController Hide/Unhide MasterView In Storyboard