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New posts in uipresentationcontroller

How to dismiss a UIPresentationController by tapping its dimming view

iOS - Dismiss presented view controller touching outside its View

Custom view controller presentation without animation

UIPresentationController preferredContentSize update animated

Navigation Bar jumping when presenting view controller via UIPresentationController subclass

UIPresentationController changes size when another view controller is displayed on top of it

Presenting a view controller without changing the status bar color, like UIAlertController

Losing reference to transitioningDelegate before presetentation presentation

Understanding crashlytics UIKit errors

UIPresentationController -- can I update the presented view controller's frame after presentation?

App crashing on runTransitionForCurrentState but no clue as to why

Replacing the UIWindow's rootViewController while using a transition, appears to be leaking

Mysterious crash when presenting a view controller using a custom UIPresentationController subclass

Can I make a UIPresentationController have userInteractionEnabled on PresentingViewController?

Why doesn't defining my view controller size with frameOfPresentedViewInContainerView make it that size?

UIPopoverPresentationController should have a non-nil sourceView or barButtonItem set before the presentation occurs on iOS 9