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How to intall ssl support for Nikto scanner?? I am trying install ssl library dependencies.Help me to achieve it

python script to .deb ubuntu package to install a daemon

Undefine reference for libraries, so How could I find the right path?

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JDK environment variable ( Ubuntu 12.04) with tomcat

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How can I get the stanford NLTK python module?

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Could not access pidfile for Cassandra

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Weird "Permission denied" exception when running bash script on EC2 (Ubuntu)

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Make Byobu open new screens in home directory

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Can I install IntelliJidea on freeBSD? [closed]

Ansible and MariaDB. Can't install MariaDB through playbook

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Error installing PHP PEAR ubuntu 12.04

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Could not load dynamic library /usr/lib/OGRE/RenderSystem_GL

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Using multiple versions of Java in Ubuntu

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Modem manager and ttyACM in use

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R package rJava only loads if I launch R with sudo

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Codelite crashes after clicking new workspace or creating new project in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

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Whats the difference between -sS and -PS in nmap?

Deleting/ modifying file contents from phpstorm changes group of the file in Linux (Ubuntu)

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Android studio - unable to locate adb on ubuntu

Use shadowsocks qt5 in ubuntu can not connect
