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Why does "pip install lxml" not use the provided wheel, and tries to compile anyway?

What is /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades.ucf-old and can I safely delete it?

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Docker Image installing php modules

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500 Internal Server Error after changing AllowOverride to All in Ubuntu

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Exclude one directory from Nginx password authentication

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installing mongodb in a docker container

Crontab won't restart Docker container

How to config Java 9 in Ubuntu

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laravel @if statements displayed in view

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Unable to install PHP zip archive with PHP 7.2

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ELECTRON: image file(.png) silent printing on Ubuntu

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SceneBuilder crashed upon startup

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Install RT Linux patch for Ubuntu

Path to Node.js Installation in Ubuntu

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How to automatically install required packages from a python script as necessary?

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avconv: make a video from a subset on images

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How do I get the Ubuntu source code?

Using RVM on Ubuntu 12.04 to use Rails. The program 'rails' is currently not installed