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Is there any way to get warnings (not errors) for noImplicitAny noncompliance?

typescript tslint

TSLint configuration for Angular 1 project

TSLint - Promises must be handled appropriately with `finally`

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TypeScript indexer still getting tslint error "object access via string literals is disallowed"

typescript indexer tslint

Why does angular-cli generate ngOnInit with no typing for the function result?

Exclude *.spec.ts files when transpiling but still lint them properly

`Tslint --fix` does not autofix but instead generates lint problems as console errors

TSLint and React stateless component naming (PascalCase vs. camelCase)

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space indentation expected - Codacy

Make TSLint follow my rules in JS files

visual-studio-code tslint

Operands of '+' operation must either be both strings or both numbers. Consider using a template literal @typescript-eslint/restrict-plus-operands

typescript tslint

how to do auto Tslint in Intellij

TSLint Config in VS Code

visual-studio-code tslint

Change WebStorm TSLint error lines to warning lines

Typedef in TypeScript error: 'expected variableDeclarator'

typescript tslint

Ionic + Jasmine + Tslint - Property 'and' does not exist on type

How to avoid VsCode Prettier to break chain functions in new lines.?