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Ionic + Jasmine + Tslint - Property 'and' does not exist on type

everybody. I am building an Ionic app over this boilerplate. Right now, I am building the tests for a specific page and I am using jasmine to mock the providers and set the expected behavior for the methods. That's how the beforeEach() method looks like looks like:

    beforeEach(() => {
          mockLoadingController = jasmine.createSpyObj('ModalController', ['create', 'present', 'dismiss']);

          mockModalController =  jasmine.createSpyObj('LoadingController', ['create', 'present',
            'onDidDismiss', 'dismiss']);

          mockGeolocation =  jasmine.createSpyObj('Geolocation', ['getCurrentPosition']);

          mockGeolocation.getCurrentPosition.and.callFake(( ) => {
            return {then: ( ) => { }};
          mockEvents = jasmine.createSpyObj('Events', ['publish', 'subscribe']);
            schemas: [CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA],
            providers: [
              { provide: NavController, useValue: mockNavController },
              { provide: LoadingController, useValue: mockLoadingController },
              { provide: ModalController, useValue: mockModalController },
              { provide: Geolocation, useValue: mockGeolocation },
              { provide: Events, useValue: mockEvents },
    ); } );

The problem starts when I define the promise return for the getCurrentPosition method:

    mockGeolocation.getCurrentPosition.and.callFake(( ) => {
            return {then: ( ) => { }};

I am using tslint while testing and, it gives me the following error

ERROR in [at-loader] ./src/pages/location/location.page.spec.ts:24:40 
    TS2339: Property 'and' does not exist on type '(options?: GeolocationOptions) => Promise<Geoposition>'.

The question is: how can I overcame this matter so TSLint does not complain about this code anymore?

like image 500
Bruno Siqueira Avatar asked Apr 07 '17 14:04

Bruno Siqueira

2 Answers

Actually proper types will be:

  let mockGeolocation: jasmine.SpyObj<Geolocation>;
  let mockEvents: jasmine.SpyObj<Events>;

like image 134
Juan Rada Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 23:09

Juan Rada

Problem solved! I forgot to detail the way I was declaring the variables:

describe('Location Page', () => {
  let mockLoadingController: any;
  let mockModalController: any;
  let mockGeolocation: Geolocation;
  let mockEvents: Events;
  beforeEach(() => {
  //rest of the code here

As you can see, I defined a type to the mockGeolocation variable and I did set the others as any. Setting all the variables as any works perfectly with jasmine and it does not generate an error in tslint.

So the correct code works like this:

describe('Location Page', () => {
  let mockLoadingController: any;
  let mockModalController: any;
  let mockGeolocation: any;
  let mockEvents: any;
  beforeEach(() => {
like image 44
Bruno Siqueira Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 22:09

Bruno Siqueira