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New posts in tsconfig

baseUrl and paths resolution using Webpack 2 and awesome-typescript-loader

Exclude *.spec.ts files when transpiling but still lint them properly

Type 'BehaviorSubject<false>' is not assignable to type 'BehaviorSubject<boolean>'

angular typescript tsconfig

TS compilation - "noImplicitAny" doesn't work

tsc --watch not updating files when outDir present in tsconfig.json

typescript tsc tsconfig

Typescript paths not resolving

VSCODE checkJs not finding modules

how to use multiple tsconfig files (with conflicting compiler options)?

how to setup a Typescript project with multiple source dirs and separate compile destinations?

typescript tsconfig

How can I set the ng test code-coverage directory?

error TS5023: Unknown compiler option 'strictTemplates'

typescript compiling types under node_modules even after excluding them

typescript tsconfig

TS2307: Cannot find module 'ionic/ionic'

Shared tsconfig.json and relative paths

typescript project references and JavaScript files

typescript tsc tsconfig

typescript module resolution

Typescript compiler can't skip imported js file

ESLint with TypeScript parser/plugin: how to include .spec.ts, that is excluded from tsconfig.json?

How to add custom TypeScript Global Interfaces