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New posts in eslintrc

How to use two different .eslintrc.json in VS Code?

Configuration for rule "react/jsx-indent" is invalid: Value "4,[object Object]" should NOT have more than 1 items

Use export default in .eslintrc.js file instead of module.exports

How to configure ESLint for using e.g. event.target and element.parentNode?

Eslint airbnb gets enforces self closing div tag if the div is empy. How can I disable this rule?

ESLint - Only Allow Absolute Import Paths Not Relative

VSCode prettier/vue formatting settings don't work properly

Force Prettier to place inner text on new line without trailing >

Visual Studio 2019 - Use project specific ESLint config .eslintrc

Enforce jsx to start on new line if jsx is multiline

ESLint with TypeScript parser/plugin: how to include .spec.ts, that is excluded from tsconfig.json?

How can I define tab size to 4 in ESLint?

eslint eslintrc

'number' is never reassigned. Use 'const' instead. (prefer-const)

Are the ESLint globals from all environments "es6", "es2017", and "es2020" cumulative or incremental settings?

eslint eslintrc

How to add new line after and before method declarations in classes using prettier?

tslint prettier eslintrc

ESLint only target a specific directory (eslintrc, create-react-app)

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