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New posts in tsc

How to prevent typescript from transpiling dynamic imports into require()?

How to resolve Chicken/Egg situation with `tsc` and `npm install`?

Missing *.ts files (due to `npm link` ?)

How to type check a single file from command line, using the setting in tsconfig.json?

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Where does Yarn add global binaries on Windows?

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How do I compile Typescript at Heroku postinstall?

Is it possible to compile a single TypeScript file to an output path using the tsc command?

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What are the proper typescript types for addEventListener mousemove and it's event argument?

Ignore certain TypeScript compile errors?

this typescript tsc

Typescript build getting errors from node_modules folder

tsc - ignore errors at command line

Is there a type in @types/express for Express middleware functions

TypeScript compile and keep comments

typescript tsc

Declare dynamically added class properties in TypeScript

Mute/ignore TS2307 error from TypeScript tsc

typescript tsc

tsc not excluding node_modules

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What's the difference between tsc (TypeScript compiler) and ts-node?

TypeScript: compiling removes unreferenced imports

error TS6059: File is not under 'rootDir' .. 'rootDir' is expected to contain all source files

typescript tsc

Cannot find module that is defined in tsconfig `paths`