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error TS6059: File is not under 'rootDir' .. 'rootDir' is expected to contain all source files




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Is not under rootDir rootDir is expected to contain all source files?

The "File is not under 'rootDir'" error occurs when we try to import something from a file that is not located under the specified rootDir in tsconfig. json . To solve the error, move the file under the project's root directory or remove the rootDir setting from tsconfig. json .

What is rootDir?

Default: The longest common path of all non-declaration input files. If composite is set, the default is instead the directory containing the tsconfig. json file. When TypeScript compiles files, it keeps the same directory structure in the output directory as exists in the input directory.

What is rootDir?

rootDir is set to a root folder, that contains all your source files. If not specified, TS will automatically choose a suitable parent folder of all inputs. rootDir also determines the output directory.

What does the error mean?

My guess is you have an import statement for logging.ts somewhere in notifier-server:

import {logger} from "@teros-cli/logging" // or similar

Then logging.ts module will be automatically included by the compiler, regardless of include and exclude options in tsconfig.json. One way to check all included files is tsc --listFiles.

A tsconfig.json file outside notifier-server doesn't help here. The compiler picks up exactly one config per tsc compilation and optionally pulls inherited configs. If it cannot find one in notifier-server project root (where you started tsc), only then the compiler searches upwards the parent directory chain, until a config is found.

Possible solutions

One fix is to just remove "rootDir": "src" from compiler options, so it gets set automatically. Caution: rootDir will then consider both projects as inputs!

Alternative: You can add a separate logging.ts module contained in notifier-server/src project and drop the external import.

Hope, that helps!