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use namespace as type in typescript



I have installed type definitions for google maps that declares a namespace like this:

namespace google.maps {   export class Map {     // ...   }    // ... } 

So if i just use the API globally it works beautifully:

const map = new google.maps.Map(); 

For unit testablity I don't want to access the API globally but instead inject it. But it seems I can't type that a variable should by from type google.map

So this doesn't work:

function mapFactory(api: google.maps) {     return new api.Map(); } 

Any solution how to use the namespace as a type?

like image 727
sod Avatar asked Mar 15 '17 16:03


People also ask

Should you use namespace in TypeScript?

This ultra-famous book about typescript states: For most projects we recommend using external modules and using namespace for quick demos and porting old JavaScript code. TSLint has a predefined rule to avoid namespaces.

What is the difference between namespace and module in TypeScript?

A module is a way which is used to organize the code in separate files and can execute in their local scope, not in the global scope. A namespace is a way which is used for logical grouping of functionalities with local scoping.

What is declare namespace?

Namespace Declaration We can create a namespace by using the namespace keyword followed by the namespace_name. All the interfaces, classes, functions, and variables can be defined in the curly braces{} by using the export keyword. The export keyword makes each component accessible to outside the namespaces.

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Using Namespaces Unlike modules, they can span multiple files, and can be concatenated using outFile .

1 Answers


function mapFactory(api: typeof google.maps) {     return new api.Map(); } 
like image 174
Nitzan Tomer Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 19:09

Nitzan Tomer