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Does Typescript have Operator Overloading?

My question is if there is operator overloading in typescript, if it exists I could give an example or a link where you can read about it.

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Angel Angel Avatar asked Mar 20 '16 03:03

Angel Angel

People also ask

Is there operator overloading in JavaScript?

Operator Overloading in JavaScript, yes you can!

What is operator in typescript?

An Operator is a symbol which operates on a value or data. It represents a specific action on working with data. The data on which operators operates is called operand. It can be used with one or more than one values to produce a single value.

Does Python have operator overloading?

Python does not limit operator overloading to arithmetic operators only. We can overload comparison operators as well.

How to overload a function in typescript?

Function overloading with different number of parameters and types with same name is not supported. Thus, in order to achieve function overloading, we must declare all the functions with possible signatures. Also, function implementation should have compatible types for all declarations. Want to check how much you know TypeScript?

Can You overload operators in JavaScript?

Operator Overloading in JavaScript, yes you can! - DEV Community Operator Overloading in JavaScript, yes you can! 1 Operator Overloading in JavaScript, yes you can! 2 Operator Overloading in JavaScript, more fun with a technical design.

Can you have multiple types of functions in typescript?

TypeScript provides the concept of function overloading. You can have multiple functions with the same name but different parameter types and return type. However, the number of parameters should be the same. In the above example, we have the same function add () with two function declarations and one function implementation.

Is operator overloading a good idea for TS?

In effect that means that operator overloading would throw away all of TS's guarantees. For operator overloading to be of any use, the type system needs to be sound and capeable of advanced type inference. TS's type system is neither.

1 Answers

No it does not exist. It is very unlikely that it will exist unless there is a clear Spec on how it might be implemented in Pure JavaScript.

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basarat Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 21:10
