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New posts in truthiness

Why does Python evaluate strings/numbers as True in if statements yet myNumber == True returns False?

How can I avoid truthiness in Ruby?

ruby truthiness

Why is 'false' truthy in javascript?

Javascript Undefined String Property Truthiness

javascript truthiness

What are the true and false criteria for a python object? [duplicate]

Why is NotImplemented truthy in Python 3?

Understanding JavaScript hoisting and truthy & falsy

Why does truth && "string" return "string"

ruby truthiness

Groovy CompileStatic on Android messes up Groovy Truth

Why can't SplFileInfo be converted to boolean?

php spl truthiness

How does (A == B == C) comparison work in JavaScript?

Is the truthiness of a dualvar always that of its string part?

In ruby, is truthiness idiomatic for a method name ending with a question mark?

ruby idioms truthiness

Why does ... == True return False in Python 3?

What are the truthy and falsy values in Raku?

raku truthiness

How does Perl 6 evaluate truthiness?

raku truthiness

Truth value of empty set

python set truthiness