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Commit message template in TortoiseHG

Subversion 1.7 (client): Does reindexing and vacuuming wc.db improve performance?

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How to create a patch from the diff between two patches

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Auto-cleanup for TortoiseSVN

Eclipse deletes my .svn folder whenever I restart it

TortoiseSVN error: Working copy path does not exist in repository

Displaying a message to users pre-commit in Tortoise SVN

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svn: E180001: Unable to open an ra_local session to URL

Difference between `svn add` and `svn commit` in Apache Subversion

TortoiseSvn Merge followed by Create Patch does not include new files

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Copy only certain SVN revisions from one repository to another

TortoiseSVN error The XML response contains invalid XML and Malformed XML: no element found

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Working copy of 'c:\folder' locked. Attempt to write a readonly database

TFS shell integration TortoiseTFS?

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What does "The last merge operation tried to add the file 'x.cs' but the file was obstructed in the working copy." mean?

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How to Integrate TortoiseSVN with Eclipse IDE?

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svn: database is locked, executing statement 'RELEASE s0'

svn tortoisesvn