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wordcloud package: get "Error in strwidth(...) : invalid 'cex' value"


Document-term matrix in R - bigram tokenizer not working

r tokenize tm n-gram rweka

R tm substitute words in Corpus using gsub

regex r text-mining tm

tm package error "Cannot convert DocumentTermMatrix into normal matrix since vector is too large"

r tm

regarding data( ) function in R

r tm

R tm package: utf-8 text

r utf-8 tm

FUN-error after running 'tolower' while making Twitter wordcloud

r twitter tm

tm custom removePunctuation except hashtag

tidytext, quanteda, and tm returning different tf-idf scores

Removing overly common words (occur in more than 80% of the documents) in R

r text-mining tm

Maximum reasonable size for stemCompletion in tm?

r tm

Transform from class "simple_triplet_matrix" to class "matrix"

r matrix tm

Use tm's Corpus function with big data in R

r bigdata text-mining tm

Is it possible to provide a list of custom stopwords to RTextTools package?

r text-mining stop-words tm

Document Term Matrix for Naive Bayes classfier: unexpected results R

r bayesian tm

convert corpus into data.frame in R

r dataframe tm corpus

Stem completion in R replaces names, not data

r tm topic-modeling quanteda

How to exactly remove the punctuation when using R with tm package