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Is it possible to provide a list of custom stopwords to RTextTools package?

With the tm package I'm able to do it like this:

c0 <- Corpus(VectorSource(text))
c0 <- tm_map(c0, removeWords, c(stopwords("english"),mystopwords))

mystopwords being a vector of the additional stopwords I want to remove.

But I can't find an equivalent way to do it using the RTextTools package. For example:

dtm <- create_matrix(text,language="english",
             removeStopwords=T, #no clear way to specify a custom list here!

Is it possible to do this? I really like the RTextTools interface and it would be a pity to have to move back to tm.

like image 778
user2175594 Avatar asked Oct 08 '13 04:10


People also ask

Why there are no universal list of Stopwords in a language?

But here's the catch: there's no universal stop words list because a word can be empty of meaning depending on the corpus you are using or on the problem you are analysing. This means that any word can be a stop word depending on what you are trying to do.

How do I add custom stop words to Spacy?

To add a custom stopword in Spacy, we first load its English language model and use add() method to add stopwords.

1 Answers

There are three (or possible even more) solutions to your problem:

First, use the tm package only for removing words. Both packages deal with the same objects, therefore you can use tm just for removing words and than the RTextTools package. Even when you look inside the function create_matrix it uses tm functions.

Second, modify the create_matrix function. For example add an input parameter like own_stopwords=NULL and add the following lines:

# existing line
corpus <- Corpus(VectorSource(trainingColumn), 
                     readerControl = list(language = language))
# after that add this new line
if(!is.null(own_stopwords)) corpus <- tm_map(corpus, removeWords, 

Third, write your own function, something like this:

# excluder function
remove_my_stopwords<-function(own_stw, dtm){
  ind<-sapply(own_stw, function(x, words){
    if(any(x==words)) return(which(x==words)) else return(NA)
  }, words=colnames(dtm))
  return(dtm[ ,-c(na.omit(ind))])  

let´s have a look if it works:

# let´s test it
data <- NYTimes[sample(1:3100, size=10,replace=FALSE),]
matrix <- create_matrix(cbind(data["Title"], data["Subject"]))

head(colnames(matrix), 5)
# [1] "109"         "200th"       "abc"         "amid"        "anniversary"

# let´s consider some "own" stopwords as words above
ostw <- head(colnames(matrix), 5)

matrix2<-remove_my_stopwords(own_stw=ostw, dtm=matrix)

# check if they are still there
sapply(ostw, function(x, words) any(x==words), words=colnames(matrix2))
#109       200th         abc        amid anniversary 
#FALSE       FALSE       FALSE       FALSE       FALSE 


like image 178
holzben Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 13:09
