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Dictionary<X, Func<Y>> accessing the containing Dictionary from a Func<> within it

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tiny implementation of jquery

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Is the evaluation of a function call's "this" in an unspecified order relative to the parameters?

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Using this or new in JS?

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C++: passing the this pointer to another class

Can object method call be done simultaneously with object instantiation?

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'this' bound to subscribe function and not outer component scope in Angular2

Which is best $this or self or static when referencing const variable?

php static this constants self

The this reference? [duplicate]

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Why value of 'this' changes from document to window

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`this` in global context and inside function

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"Cannot read property 'createDocumentFragment' of undefined"

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Javascript apply or call used on charCodeAt

Calling a function on the this keyword

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Behavior of this.new and bare this in inner classes

How to alias this in JavaScript 2015 (EcmaScript 6)? [duplicate]

Backbone this confusion

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How to get this pointer from std::function?

Where memory for 'this' pointer allocated

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What object javascript function is bound to (what is its "this")?