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How to bind a method to original context when assigned to variable

How to set the context of the `this` inside a then callback on a promise

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Equivalent of Function.prototype.apply in PHP?

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Why does the 'this' keyword inside event handlers of document.body refer to the global window object?

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Typescript Private or protected member 'something' cannot be accessed on a type parameter

What are the various ways by which the 'this' can escape in Java?

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Handlebars.js - Accessing parent index from 2D array

Extending inheritance of `this` to methods / properties of an `object`

How to get context of calling function/object?

JS class without constant reference to "this" for member access

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confusion over how "softBind" function works

Utilisation of 'this' in React Js

Understanding Javascript's difference between calling a function, and returning the function but executing it later

JavaScript closure and the this object

Generic Method gets parameter type from superclass

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Why does VS and Windbg print "this" pointer as "0xcccccccc" even in debug version?

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call() a function within its own context

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How can I get rid of the `this` keyword in local functions?

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Does every c++ member function take `this` as an input implicitly?

this: Cannot use this in static context

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