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New posts in theory

Algorithm for partially filling a polygonal mesh

Boosting my GA with Neural Networks and/or Reinforcement Learning

What are all known languages that Turing machines cannot accept?

What's a buffer?

Why state cannot be part of Presenter in MVP?

architecture mvvm theory mvp

(De)Normalization of two relations

How does a node join a Distributed Hash Table (DHT) cluster?

Example of Call by name

theory callbyname

A method to calculate the centre of mass from a .stl (stereo lithography) file?

c++ 3d theory

Fitts Law, applying it to touch screens

user-interface theory

Powerful algorithms too complex to implement [closed]

Why is speech recognition difficult? [closed]

complexity of parsing C++

How to Prove one Random Number Generator is Better Than Another?

How much math do I need to become productive in Haskell?

haskell theory

Is it possible to write code to write code?


Are the grammars of modern programming languages context-free or context-sensitive?

Generating 'neighbours' for users based on rating

Determining if a sphere intersects an object or not

algorithm 3d theory

Is there a term for a finite state machine that is guaranteed to halt?

theory turing-machines