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New posts in theano

How efficient/intelligent is Theano in computing gradients?

What is data type for Python Keras deep learning package?

python theano keras

Theano stack matrices programmatically?

python theano

Neural Networks: Understanding theano Library

How to connect some nodes directly to the output layer in Keras

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How to install theano with python3.6?

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pymc3: parallel computing with njobs>1 vs. GPU

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Theano Reshaping

reshape theano

Visualize output of each layer in theano Convolutional MLP

How to use the vgg-net when I load vgg16_weights.h5?

Accessing neural network weights and neuron activations

Set last non-zero element of each row to zero - NumPy

python numpy theano

how to update scan Cython code in Theano?

Converting a theano model built on GPU to CPU?

Theano/Lasagne/Nolearn Neural Network Image Input

How to initialize weights when using RELU activation function

Where can I find the Keras configuration file?

Is there a GPU accelerated numpy.max(X, axis=0) implementation in Theano?

Keras : How to merge a dense layer and an embedding layer

How to prevent division by zero or replace infinite values in Theano?