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New posts in theano

Theano - Keras - No Module named `pool`

Theano: How to take a "matrix outer product" where the elements are matrices

python numpy matrix theano

How to turn entire keras model into theano function

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Theano installation for Windows, Python 3, 64bit

Theano advanced indexing for tensor, shared index

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TypeError "Bad input argument to theano function"

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theano hard_sigmoid() breaks gradient descent

Keras - Text Classification - LSTM - How to input text?

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How to repeat an unknown dimension in Keras for both backends

Nvidia Theano docker image not available

How Adagrad works in Keras? What does self.weights mean in Keras Optimizer?

Python theano undefined symbol: _ZdlPvm error

python theano keras archlinux

Do we need to use flatten and reshape in Theano if we use a matrix of indexes?

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What does 'no_inplace' mean in theano?


How do I install theano in Anaconda ver. 2.1 Windows 64 bit for Python 3.4?

Call a function from scan in Theano


How is theano dot product broadcasted

numpy theano

Overlapping iteration over theano tensor

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Pre-training ANN with RBM in pylearn2

Implementing sparse connections in neural network (Theano)